Thursday, November 06, 2008

To Each His Own (No Explanation Needed)

Lately I have been hearing alot of false rumors about the new President-elect Barack Obama. It just amazes me that people don't invest any time in reading or trying to find some facts, some people it seems - want to believe the worst.

Here is a link to Snopes. com that address all of the current rumors about the new President.. including the big whoppers -- He's a Muslim, oh, and he wasn't born in America.

Funny thing is that even if you try to put some "truth" out there - it would actually mean one would have to take the time to click on the link, and read.

I am sorry for all the people who are dissapointed that McCain/Palin lost the election. I guess that is part of the electoral process, and the majority of America chose Obama. No one EVER should be put in a position to defend their choices - escpecailly who you vote for.

As for me - I didn't get the chance to vote due to my TN drivers license. The state of Florida does not recognize TN DL's as the only form of ID and I was not able to cast my ballot for anyone.

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