Friday, September 29, 2006

Heading to Sewanee for the night....

Jerin and Lyle's house with Major out front.

Church on Campus.

Dog Park Party Time

Rainy Day at Bicentennial Mall

State capital through trees.
Bell Towers that chime every half hour.

Original collums from Worlds Fair in Nashville October of 1897 - from the replica of The Parthenon in Greece. Pillar relocated to this park after the "new" Parthenon was built, which houses the greek godess-Athena-statue.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Birthday Weekend

I was so lucky to have Mom come up for my Birthday last weekend. We went out to some garage sales early on Saturday followed by a nice hike at Percy Werner Nature Trails. Also that Same day we went to the Frist Museum to see the very cool Egypt exhibit and gazed at some massive relics. It was great!

Overall it was so nice to have her with me for the weekend. It was only for 48 hours but it was so fun! Snuggling in the bed with her for one night was great, as the next night she pulled a hip muscle from moving boxes and loading my attic (thanks!). When she left , my place was much more organized and had much less clutter. It was a really nice visit and I am so glad that she made the trip you mom.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Bonifay Family Historical Project In Development

Please take a look at the Bonifay Family Page. This is part of the Bonifay Historical Project started by Barry Bonifay and with help from me. If this works the way I want it to, we can all be a click away from our elders and history.

Red Tail Hawk

Red Tail Hawks are common in TN. I really enjoy spotting them and will often try to photograh them. I can now tell which are males and which are females. I even pulled over to the side of the road to get a photo of one in a tree before , which flew away as soon as I did.

I would love to find one of the feathers from a Red Tail someday.

What the....Blog?

Just wanted to say thanks for the comments on the new blog! Blogging is weird, yet rewarding once you can get it figured out. It is a great way to stay in touch with others and serves as a "base" to check in and find out what's going on. Your comments are appreciated, and inspire me to keep at it.

I have heard from Florida that brother Beau may of broken his hand, for sure he mangled it wakeboarding in Bayou Texar. It is uncertain right now how bad his injury to his right hand will be, he is in a lot of pain and this will definatley slow him down for awhile. I am praying that it won't be too bad and he will be able to recover from it with a functioning hand again. Beau had just arrived home via a very long bus ride all the way from Wisconsin and I am sure was looking forward to some fun on the water - not a visit to the ER!

Harriette and Michael will be coming to Nashville in a few months to visit and see the Off- Broadway production of The Lion King. Thanks to Uncle Barry for getting these hard to get tickets - Woo hoo! Nashville has a great Theatre called TPAC - Performing Arts Centre and I am so excited to see this unique production. Dressing up for the thearte is so fun! But, to see a great play is even better!

Best to all of you and thanks for stopping in ....


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Percy Warner Nature Trails

One of the nice things in Nashville is that there is alot of nature trails, parks and preserves within close distance. It's nice to get out and walk Jip here.

Inside the House....

Take a look inside my humble home. I have very little furniture, yet a lot of stuff!
Behind that screen there are about 4 30gallon plastic bins holding my "things". It would be great to have a bookshelf and tall dresser so I could put it away, but for now I can live with it. It feels like home and that is what matters most, right? Also, my gnome, that I bought for a friend of mine but couldn't give him away, named Forweg. There's just something about him, and I couldn't give him away!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Visit to Pensacola

I went home to Pensacola for 5 days in August and spent some time with my Mom in the Gulf of Mexico , we brought Jipper along with us, but he definately put a damper on snorkeling....

Something L's - Sewanee, TN

My Friend Lyle lives in Sewanee, TN and opened a jewelry store this year and he sells very high quality and hand made necklaces, earrings and bracelets ,etc. He has some very beautiful and artisic designs in his store. The store sits just outside the main entrance to the University of the South, the campus is hundreds of years old and very charming. Lyle has lived in Sewanee with Jerin Lynn for 2 years now enjoying the unique and lush area at the top of a mountain.

If you are ever near Sewanee, be sure to stop in........

I bet you'll find something you will like! I do everytime.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

My New Place

This is my new place...when I moved in the walls were painted bright orange and purple, it was way too loud and Mom helped me paint over it and now it is so much better, thanks for your help Mom! It's great to have a place all to myself again after living with so many roommates. I enjoy a big yard and quiet neighborhood located close to downtown and my favorite shops!

One Year Post Katrina

Grey hairs be gone! Uncle Barry gets a dye job!

I wanted to have Barry over for a movie and decided to color his hair and beard. I took this photo while giggling, he said the same thing Mammaw use to say when anyone started laughing ..."WHAT?!" I sure miss her and would love to be able to color her hair and paint her nails again, I guess Barry will do now.

And, a pic of Barry's 54th B Day party. Special guest Gallum from Lord of The Rings Triology!!

My Dog : Lil Jip

For those of you who have not yet met my dog, this is Lil Jip. He is a great dog and is well behaved, loves to fetch and sleep with me.My cousin, Anya both got these malti-poos on Mothers Day from My Mom (THANKS!) and we love them so much! I still have Spike , and he is now 16 years old, quite old for a cockatiel!
This is a picture of Jip and Duff at Christmas 05 and Jip after cutting the grass....

Hello Everyone!

Hi - Thanks for stopping by my new blog, this has been a little strange and I hope that when you stop in the take a look you'll be rewarded with an update on life in Nashville TN and some good stories. I started this when I saw Dana's blog, so be sure to visit her and read up on the lives of their family!
