Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Farewell Friend

I had to put Ms. Green Jeans down today. She is a parakeet I rescued while living in Nashville. She cracked her beak a while ago and kept making it worse by chewing on her sticks. I tried all kinds of things to help her but she would just ruin any healing that occured by continuing to chew. Finally her beak was in a condition I didn't feel she should live with and I didn't want her to be in pain.
Mom went with me to the Vet and I said my goodbyes. The Vet administered the injection and it was a peaceful passing. For being such a small bird, she had a huge spot in my heart. She loved Spike so much and lived with him for six years, laying eggs every spring in hopes he would fertilize them. It never happened, but she still loved him.
I hope she is somewhere flying now.

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