Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Birthday Weekend

I was so lucky to have Mom come up for my Birthday last weekend. We went out to some garage sales early on Saturday followed by a nice hike at Percy Werner Nature Trails. Also that Same day we went to the Frist Museum to see the very cool Egypt exhibit and gazed at some massive relics. It was great!

Overall it was so nice to have her with me for the weekend. It was only for 48 hours but it was so fun! Snuggling in the bed with her for one night was great, as the next night she pulled a hip muscle from moving boxes and loading my attic (thanks!). When she left , my place was much more organized and had much less clutter. It was a really nice visit and I am so glad that she made the trip you mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats great that yall had such a good time. I am glad she got to come see you for your birthday. Looks like you had fun!!!